VINDICATION LIES IN THE WOMB OF TIME: The Pervasive Campaign Of Lies Against John Dramani Mahama

John Dramani Mahama

In the annals of Ghanaian politics, the phrase "vindication lies in the womb of time" has never been more apt than in the case of John Dramani Mahama. The former President of Ghana, a man whose dedication to national development is evident in the numerous infrastructural and social advancements achieved under his leadership, has been the target of a sustained and vicious campaign of lies, deceit, and character assassination.

This orchestrated attack, primarily propagated by the New Patriotic Party (NPP), sought to tarnish Mahama's image and discredit his administration's achievements. However, as time unfolds, the truth emerges, and Mahama's vindication becomes increasingly apparent.

The Airbus Controversy: A Fabrication of Lies:

One of the most significant allegations against John Dramani Mahama was his purported involvement in the Airbus scandal. The NPP and its allies accused Mahama and his administration of accepting bribes from Airbus, a global aerospace corporation, to secure contracts for the procurement of aircraft for the Ghana Armed Forces.

This allegation, aimed at portraying Mahama as corrupt and unfit for leadership, was nothing more than a smear campaign. Despite the NPP's attempts to spin the narrative, subsequent investigations revealed no direct involvement of Mahama in the Airbus scandal. The reports, including those from international bodies, did not name Mahama, nor did they provide any concrete evidence linking him to corrupt activities.

Instead, they highlighted the absence of any illegal financial transactions by Mahama or his administration. These findings, though underreported, have gradually vindicated Mahama, exposing the baseless nature of the accusations and the deceitful tactics employed by his political opponents.

The Baseless Tale of “Papa No” Allegation During the 2020 Elections:

During the 2020 general elections in Ghana, the term "Papa No" became a controversial focal point. This phrase, translating to "The Man," emerged from a feud between two Ghanaian celebrities, Tracey Boakye and Mzbel, who hinted at being involved with a wealthy, influential man. Though they never named him, dimwit supporters of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) quickly seized on this narrative, using it as a political tool to imply that Mahama was the mysterious "Papa No."

Mahama refuted these allegations, calling them baseless and a calculated smear campaign by the NPP designed to shift focus away from pressing national issues, such as corruption, onto salacious gossip. While at it, President Nana Akufo-Addo was having an amorous relationship with one Serwaa Broni. Allegations arose that Akufo-Addo even had the national security staged an armed robbery incident against this lady in an attempt to seize any material evidence of their affairs in an attempt to silence her.

While the "Papa No" incident was largely a politically motivated attack against Mahama, lacking solid evidence, the Serwaa Broni allegations against Akufo-Addo were viewed with greater seriousness. Mahama was seen by many as vindicated, as the "Papa No" narrative failed to hold substantial ground beyond political gossip. In contrast, the accusations against Akufo-Addo had more traction, suggesting ethical concerns.

Character Assassination: NPP’s Tool for Political Gain:

Beyond the Airbus controversy, the NPP has consistently resorted to character assassination in their attempts to undermine John Dramani Mahama's political career. They have portrayed him as incompetent, corrupt, and indifferent to the plight of the ordinary Ghanaian. These portrayals, however, stand in stark contrast to Mahama's track record of governance, which is characterized by significant infrastructural developments and social programs aimed at improving the lives of Ghanaians.

Under Mahama's leadership, Ghana witnessed unprecedented infrastructural development, including the construction of roads, schools, hospitals, and other critical infrastructure. His administration implemented initiatives such as the Community Day Senior High Schools, the expansion of the National Health Insurance Scheme, and the enhancement of power supply through investments in energy projects.

These achievements are a testament to Mahama's commitment to national development and his genuine concern for the welfare of all Ghanaians. Despite these accomplishments, the NPP's relentless campaign sought to overshadow Mahama's legacy with unfounded accusations and negative propaganda. They exploited the power of media, leveraging fake news and manipulated narratives to create an image of Mahama that was far removed from reality. This calculated strategy aimed to sway public opinion and secure political gains at the expense of truth and integrity.

The Emergence of Truth: Time as the Ultimate Arbiter:

As the dust of political machinations begins to settle, the true character and intentions of John Dramani Mahama have become evident to the discerning public. The lies and deceit that once clouded his reputation are being dispelled by the light of truth, proving that vindication indeed is in the womb of time. The Ghanaian people are beginning to recognize the depth of Mahama's vision for the nation and the sincerity of his efforts to promote progress and development. His resilience in the face of relentless attacks and his continued commitment to serving Ghana, even after his tenure as President, reflect a leader driven by a genuine desire to see his country flourish.

The unfolding events serve as a reminder that in the complex world of politics, truth may be obscured but never obliterated. The vicious campaign of lies and character assassination against John Dramani Mahama, propagated by the NPP, is being unraveled. History will remember Mahama not for the baseless accusations hurled at him but for his unwavering dedication to the development of Ghana and the well-being of its people.

Conclusion: A Call for Integrity in Politics:

The saga of John Dramani Mahama and the unfounded accusations against him underscores the need for integrity and truthfulness in political discourse. Political rivalry should never justify the use of deceitful tactics and character assassination. As Ghanaians, it is our responsibility to demand accountability and uphold the values of honesty and respect in our political engagements.

John Dramani Mahama's experience serves as a powerful reminder that the pursuit of power should not come at the expense of truth. As we move forward, let us strive to create a political environment where leaders are judged not by the false narratives constructed against them, but by their true contributions to the nation and their commitment to the people's welfare. For in the end, vindication lies in the womb of time, and time will reveal the true legacy of those who lead with integrity.

Credit: Cletus Siebune
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