Cement Manufacturers Contemplate Appealing To EMT over L.I To Regulate Prices

Dr George Dawson-Amoah

The conflict over cement price regulation is escalating as manufacturers consider seeking intervention from the Economic Management Team (EMT).

Dr Dawson Amoah, President of the Cement Manufacturers Association, revealed that this option would be explored during the 21 days while the Legislative Instrument (L.I) on cement regulation is laid before Parliament.

"We're going beyond the Ministry of Trade and Industry and up to the Economic Management Team because this issue is a major concern for both producers and consumers," he stated.

Manufacturers are opposing the Trade Ministry’s L.I., aimed at regulating cement prices, insisting that further consultations on the factors driving cement prices must be conducted first.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, K.T. Hammond, invited the cement manufacturers for a meeting on Monday, July 1, but they declined upon seeing the media present.

In an interview, Dr Amoah explained that members were not informed about the media's presence or the meeting's agenda.

"I think we went there with the conception that we were going to listen to the minister. They turned down meeting the press because they were not prepared for it," he said, emphasising the need for in-depth consultation on the matter.

Despite their refusal to participate, Minister Hammond proceeded with the meeting, stating his intention to lay the L. I in Parliament and refuting claims of insufficient consultation with the cement manufacturers.

"The cement industry is beginning to dictate to the political head of the organisation what they want, and I don't think this is acceptable," K. T. Hammond said.

He criticised the manufacturers for expecting a private meeting, saying, "They've seen journalists who will tell the world there has been consultation, but my understanding is that because there is press, they wouldn't attend this meeting. They want me to get rid of you. I have therefore decided to go legal."

Credit: Emma Ankrah

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