NSMQ2024: Sirigu SHS Makes Debut National Appearance

Sirigu Integrated SHS is set to make their first appearance at the national stage of the National Science and Maths Quiz after several years of attempts.

In a revenge battle for supremacy, the school located in the north of the Upper East region did not kowtow to the pressure from Sandema SHS who were feasting on the bonuses of their contenders.

SISEC diligently answered their main questions as they strategically recused themselves from taking the bonuses of their opponents.

Their watch word was the famous Akan adage “Dzi wo fie asem”.

The school, at the end of the first and second rounds, led the pack with over ten points.

Sandema SHS had managed to bridge the gap in the third and final round to inch closer to the school, taking two of the riddles thrown at them.

But Sirigu was in a comfortable lead with their eyes fixed on making their debut appearance.

Sirigu SHS won the contest with 33 points while Sandema trailed them with 21 points.

Their opponents, Bawku SHTS and Kanjarga SHS who were obviously lost in the contest shared equal points of 10.

Sandema SHS’s neighbours Azantilow SHS (formerly Sandema SHTS) were sent packing by Zebilla SHTS.

In a heated battle that saw the two school match boot for boot, Zebilla SHTS edged past their close contenders at the last riddle of the contest.

The five-man squad lived up to their school’s motto “A wise man can never get lost” after only preparing three days ahead of the regional qualifiers.

“I went home and when I came back to school, my headmaster said me and my other colleagues will be representing the school. Our teacher took us through a few lessons and we’ve been able to qualify our school to nationals,” one of the contestants said.

The school’s last qualification to the nationals was in 2019 where they were booted out by Bishop Herman College.

Notre Dame Seminary/ SHS secured the last slot for the region after they dominated their opponents, Zamse SHTS and Wiaga SHS.

They won the contest with 55 points.

The faithful boys covered by the prayers of their mother, Mary, are anticipating a grandiose victory at the national tournament as they have over their years failed to secure a seed.

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