Retract And Apologise – AG’s Office To Franklin Cudjoe Over ‘Derogatory Remarks’

The Office of the Attorney-General is demanding an apology from the founder and CEO of IMANI Africa, Franklin Cudjoe, over some comment he made.

This follows a social media post and some assertions he made on Citi TV’s The Big Issue on Saturday.

In the interview, Mr Cudjoe had criticized the Attorney-General’s approach to managing notable cases, including those related to SALL, former Auditor-General, Daniel Domelevo, and Minority Leader Ato Forson.

He also accused Godfred Dame of political bias and poor judgment in legal matters, asserting the need for less politicized and more prudent legal counsel.

“Since when was the President’s hands stayed when it comes to important bills? That is why I’m saying the Attorney-General has been a bad advisor when it comes to very important matters, and he has been too political. If he were smarter, he would have waited and probably delayed the passage of the bill.

“He should have found every rule in the books to delay the passage of the bill. In almost all the cases that are very high-powered, he’s been giving bad advice. I have never seen this dictatorship of Attorney-General in my life,” he stressed.

But the Attorney-General’s department says the comments were inappropriate. The Office insists that Mr. Cudjoe’s statements were unjustified and required correction.

Read below the reaction by the Attorney-General’s Spokesperson

“The Office of the Attorney General has come across a post attributed to the founder and CEO of Imani, Franklin Cudjoe, which is being circulated in the public domain. If indeed he truly authored that post then

I say this with the greatest respect that simply because you are a think tank does not mean you should just say anything that you think is true.

A basic foundation of any serious think tank is research. To make the emphatic statement that the attorney general has been, according to him, “legendary in giving the most illiberal and politically divisive advice to a willing autocratic executive as far as the liberties of persons they disrespect and dislike is concerned-“ is most unfortunate.

In supporting his claim he makes reference to “SALL, Domelevo, Charlotte Osei, James Quayson, Martin Amidu, Ato Forson and others he’s yet to discover.”

Let it be clear that the Honourable Attorney General, Godfred Dame, has not produced any such advice on ANY of the persons mentioned. I challenge the author to produce any such advice authored by Honourable Godfred Yeboah Dame. Some of the names mentioned are being prosecuted for some offences that the Office believes are fit on proper charges to be preferred based on the facts.

On the Daniel Yao Domelovo for instance Mr. Dame was not even the ag at the time. The bottom line is that no such advice on any of the persons named can be provided because nothing of the sort exists and Mr. Cudjoe evidently got it wrong. For his own credibility sake and the credibility of the think tank which he represents he ought to unreservedly retract the comment and accordingly issue an apology.

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